Friday, August 22, 2014

I Wish I Was Still Watching The Trip To Italy

I don't know how Michael Winterbottom figured this out... but apparently, if you take Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon and just record them eating and shooting the shit with each other, it translates to cinematic gold.
The Trip To Italy is actually the third time these guys have in some way successfully used this formula... and it has worked every single time. Tristram Shandy and the first The Trip are both thoroughly interesting and entertaining movies. And now this film has joined a very bizarre kind of franchise. The lower-budget, more down to earth kind. What can I say? I love these guys.
The comedic chemistry that Coogan and Brydon have developed is unlike any other. It's sustainable over many years and always manages to leave me wanting more. There's really not a whole lot more to say about this because it's just two guys the majority of the time and they're really just existing in their own special kind of reality. What you see and want from the trailer is exactly what you get.

All I can do is give my stamp of approval. This flick hits the spot for me. It leaves me physically full, comedically sated, and completely introspective. Amazing that one film and two guys can accomplish all of that in one very short hour and forty-eight minutes. Bravo!

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