Friday, February 7, 2014


Today The Lego Movie came out... What a welcome distraction from the Oscars!
This is one of those family films that truly everybody needs to see. It is so chock full of wit, creativity, and a kind of adventurous spirit that I haven't felt in a movie since the likes of The Princess Bride. Every once in a while we get these magical experiences that shine through and I know that I'm gonna be back rewatching this again because it was just too much fun.
If you have ever liked Legos (don't pretend you haven't) then you will connect to this material. In many ways it's just a massive scale advertisement, but with a legitimate plot and theme... and a third act that will blow your mind. Somehow Lego has found a way to turn what could have been a lackluster money grab into something truly special. I must admit I'm impressed.
Now, when the movie opens, it does take a moment to adjust to the stop motion. But that's mostly just because the movie moves so lightning quick... it never slows down even for a second, so you've gotta be prepared for a crazy ride. There's no obvious weakness here... script, direction, voice acting, AWESOME MUSIC. It's just a damn good time.

I really don't want to spoil anything, so please just trust me on this. Go see it!

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