Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Dom Hemingway: A Mad Crazy Film

I've just been shocked into serious joy.
After witnessing the madcap Dom Hemingway verbally splash his brains all over the screen throughout the films brief 93 minute runtime, I came to discover that Richard Shepard truly ran this show. Richard Shepard is the same Writer/Director behind the similarly eccentric The Matador from 2005... another film I just couldn't get out of my mind.
What Dom Hemingway brings to the table is his legitimate insanity. He's so misguided that you can't help but just allow your mind to go blank and accept every ridiculous word that flings out of his mouth. Because, while he may not know how to shut up, it would seem he also doesn't know how to lie. Every word spewed forth rings true to the point that, by the end of the film I really just wanted to hear more.
This is a really fun role for Jude Law to pick up at this stage in his career. It's been a while since I've seen him really push himself as an actor. And, while I don't necessarily believe this is the hardest thing he's ever attempted, he does manage to bring a very obscure kind of charm to his performance. He just kind of plows into a room and doesn't fear the consequences until they're already on him... then he can't believe his bad luck... even though he's legitimately responsible for every bad thing that happens to him... minus one.
Richard E. Grant was also just a pleasure to watch in this film. His Dickie was the opposite of Dom in almost every way, but for some reason they were still good friends because one needed the other in order to exist and function. I love Emilia Clarke, and while her part felt rather minuscule she still managed to surprise me. She really is nothing like her character on Game of Thrones and it's cool to see her prove that so effortlessly. Demian Bichir also brought a bit of welcome flair to the life of this picture. I honestly can't think of a bad casting choice here and I'm so glad of that.
I suppose, without giving anything away, the strangest thing for me was how abruptly the movie seemed to end. I could have stayed on this journey another hour and a half, but Richard Shepard is a smart man. He found the core of the film and effortlessly let it shine without forcing it to drag on unnecessarily. Rest assured, by the time the credits start rolling you'll have been on a journey, seen some things you never thought you'd see, and probably will be out in time for afternoon tea... or, you know, a beer... what ever kind of thing you're into.

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