I hated it too. So many reviews beforehand said this was good smart horror/sci-fi... that it broke the regular boundaries that hold other films in mediocrity. Perhaps, the later is true... but they didn't break any positive boundaries. They somehow managed to break all of the boundaries that keep mediocre movies from being completely awful. This movie sucks worse than the Jacket... and it leaves me scratching my head. Why did anybody think it would be a good idea to subject others to this piece of garbage? What asshole said, oh I've got just the perfect idea. It's an idea that countless others have thrown away because they didn't think it was good... but I know better? For he surely was misinformed about the meaning of the word good. I hate you, Splice. I wish you'd go back to the hell filled with awful ideas that you came from.
I'd like to take a moment now and remember some great Sci-Fi and Horror films more deserving of your attention:
The Day The Earth Stood Still
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
The Haunting
2001:a space odyssey
Planet Of The Apes
A Clockwork Orange
The Wicker Man
The Man Who Fell To Earth
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Shining
Blade Runner
The Thing
Star Wars
A Nightmare On Elm Street
12 Monkeys
Children Of Men
Let The Right One In
All of the above mentioned flicks deserve to be viewed over and over again. So DON'T go out to the theater to see Splice... stay in and rent one of these! They are lightyears beyond anything Splice could ever ever hope to be.
If you think I've been too blunt on Splice, I invite you to tell me what was actually good about the flick in the comments section. I'd like to understand how this movie even got made.
Agreed, but we see that even though music can sometimes make a lesser movie feel great... it can't always save a burning pile of shit.